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Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Biosciences (IJPAB)
Year : 2024, Volume : 12, Issue : 1
First page : (56) Last page : (61)
Article doi: :

Fishing Crafts and Gears Operated in Junput Mangrove, Purba Medinipur for Sustaining the Livelihood of Local Fishermen

Tapas Bhunia1, Pijush Payra2* and Shriparna Saxena3
1,3Department of Aquaculture, Sanjeev Agrawal Global Educational University, Bhopal (M. P.)- 462022
2*Department of Industrial Fish & Fisheries, Ramnagar College, Depal- 721453
Purba Medinipur, West Bengal, India
*Corresponding Author E-mail:
Received: 8.12.2023 | Revised: 12.02.2024 | Accepted: 21.02.2024 


Fishing practices are an old-age activity that has been carried out since time immemorial. Different primitive, low-cost, non-mechanized and motorized crafts and gears operated in different parts of the country. In our state of West Bengal, vast ranges of crafts and gears have been used to catch fish in different water bodies. Fishermen of our state evolved various fishing devices that enhance fish production and uplift local and national economies. Though emphasizing the above view, the present study was aimed to document different customary and mechanized fishing crafts and gears used in Junput coast, Purba Medinipur. Junput is a seaside resort city in the state of West Bengal, India. It lies at the northern end of the Bay of Bengal. It is the most popular sea resort in West Bengal, renowned for its beaches. In the Junput mangrove area, few canals were well connected with the Bay of Bengal. Thus, the diversity of ichthyofauna and shellfish was abundant. For harvesting them, local fishermen use different types of crafts and gears, which have been documented during the study period. Available crafts were Bamboo raft, Plank built boat (commonly known “Nauka”), Wooden framed boat (commonly known “Nauka or Dingi”), Thermocol raft, Rubber tube boat. Available gears used for capturing fishes were Gill net (commonly known as "Bindha jal, Phansa jal, Phanda jal”), Cast net (commonly known “Phenka jal, Khei jal”), Drag net (commonly known “Maha jal”), Scoop net without handle (commonly known “Chakni jal, Chha jal”), Hook and line (commonly known “Bardsi”), Trap.

Keywords: Crafts, Gears, Junput, Ichthyofauna, Shell fish.

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Cite this article: Bhunia, T., Payra, P., & Saxena, S. (2024). Fishing Crafts and Gears Operated in Junput Mangrove, Purba Medinipur, for Sustaining the Livelihood of Local Fishermen, Ind. J. Pure App. Biosci.12(1), 56-61. doi:

