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International Journal of Pure & Applied Bioscience (IJPAB)
Year : 2018, Volume : 6, Issue : 6
First page : (1116) Last page : (1120)
Article doi: :

A Quantitative and Qualitative Coverage of Varied food, Nutrition and Health Related Reports in Print Medea of UAS, Bengaluru

N. V. Muruli*,  H. B. Shivaleela and Muragod, P. P.

Department of Food Science and Nutrition, UAS, GKVK, Bengalruru-65
*Corresponding Author E-mail:
Received: 6.10.2018  |  Revised: 13.11.2018   |  Accepted: 19.11.2018  



A Study on health, food and nutrition information communication in popular print media of UAS, Bengaluru was carried during the year 2016-2017 at UAS, Bengaluru, regarding to the content analysis of dailies. In content analysis, a total of 3720 food and nutrition information published in select two national english (The Hindu and Deccan Herald), two regional kannada newspapers (Prajavani and Vijay Karnataka) and two popular local magazines (Gruha Shobha & Health Magazine). Out of 3720 food and nutrition information from dailies analysed, maximum information disseminated was on nutrition in food (23.44%) followed by areas of health (21.64%) as well as related to food and balancing them (17.80%). Information disseminated through dailies is authenticated with scientific support studies which extends confidence as also provide knowledge among readers for adopting them. The qualitative content analysis was carried out for the data collection from six print media to validate scientifically on food and nutrition information published in each of the separate category. Scientific support for the food and nutrition information report envisaged research evidences and study source with specific achievements.

Key words: Family, Cooking, Nutrition, Health

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Cite this article: Muruli, N.V., Shivaleela, H.B. and Muragod, P.P., A Quantitative and Qualitative Coverage of Varied food, Nutrition and Health Related Reports in Print Medea of UAS, Bengaluru, Int. J. Pure App. Biosci.6(6): 1116-1120 (2018). doi:

