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International Journal of Pure & Applied Bioscience (IJPAB)
Year : 2019, Volume : 7, Issue : 2
First page : (39) Last page : (43)
Article doi: :

Factors Affecting Fish Consumption in Traditional Fish Markets of Kolkata City, West Bengal

Tenji Pem Bhutia, Neha Wajahat Qureshi and Vinod Kumar Yadav*

Fisheries Economics, Extension and Statistics Division, ICAR-Central Institute of Fisheries Education, Panch  Marg, Off Yari road, Andheri (W), Mumbai- 400061
*Corresponding Author E-mail:
Received: 9.02.2019 | Revised: 14.03.2019 | Accepted: 21.03.2019  




Many factors, specificities and characteristics influences the individual consumer in his decision making process, shopping habits, purchasing behaviour, the brands he buys or the retailers he goes. Consumers’ purchase decision is the result of each and every one of these factors. Thus, the study was taken up in Kolkata City to determine the factors affecting fish consumption and also to identify and prioritize the constraints faced by fish consumers in the traditional fish markets. The data was collected from 150 fish consumers randomly selected who were willing to participate with the help of well-structured pre-tested interview schedule. The study showed that price of fish (78%), followed by a taste of fish (76%) and variety of fish (73%) were the major qualitative factors affecting the purchase decision of fish, while among the quantitative factors cost per visit, the number of fish eaters in the family, the frequency of a person visiting the fish market, monthly income of the head of household and the age of the respondent played a significant role. The major constraints faced by the fish consumers in the fish markets were poor hygienic condition (95%) of the fish market, parking facility (79%) and lack of sanitation facilities (68%). This study could be a guide to both the buyers and sellers of fish and fish products to produce products of desired quality, with a good price in a hygienic condition.

Key words: Traditional fish markets, Factors affecting fish consumption, Constraints, Consumer behaviour.

Full Text : PDF; Journal doi :

Cite this article: Bhutia, T.P., Qureshi, N.W. and Yadav, V.K., Factors Affecting Fish Consumption in Traditional Fish Markets of Kolkata City, West Bengal, Int. J. Pure App. Biosci.7(2): 39-43 (2019). doi:

