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International Journal of Pure & Applied Bioscience (IJPAB)
Year : 2019, Volume : 7, Issue : 3
First page : (311) Last page : (317)
Article doi: :

ISSR Screening of In vitro Generated Mutants for Fusarium Wilt Resistance in Regionally Grown Banana Cultivars

Rashmi Hegde1*, Prabhuling G.2 and Priya Nagnur3

1Department of Biotechnology and Crop Improvement,
2Centre for Horticulture Biotechnology, Directorate of Research,
3Department of Plant Protection,
University of Horticultural Sciences, Bagalkot, India
*Corresponding Author E-mail:
Received: 10.03.2019 | Revised: 14.04.2019 | Accepted: 21.04.2019  



In vitro mutagenesis of regionally grown banana cv Ney Poovan and Nanjanagudu Rasabale were carried out by inducing gamma ray irradiations of different doses 25 Gy, 30 Gy, 35 Gy, 40 Gy and 45 Gy. Regenerated mutants were inoculated with Fusarium oxysoporum f. sp. Cubense and evaluated for Fusarium wilt resistance with untreated control plants using inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) marker. Polymorphic fragments were produced by 2 (UBC 818 and UBC 841) of 21 ISSR primers. A total of 109 amplified ISSR fragments varying in size from 150 to 600 bp were obtained, 8 of which were polymorphic. Showed altered genetic profiles compared to control and Susceptible were identified in 25 Gy and 30 Gy, moderately resistance in 35 Gy and 40 Gy and resistant in 40 and 45 Gy mutants. These results suggest that gamma ray irradiation can be effectively utilized to generate mutants in regionally grown banana cultivars and ISSR provides a powerful tool that allows efficient early detection of these mutants. The identified mutants are currently being multiplied for further evaluation of their horticultural characteristics.

Key words: Inter-simple sequence repeat; Molecular marker; Gamma irradiation; Tissue culture, Fusarium wilt, In vitro.

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Cite this article: Hegde, R., Prabhuling, G. and Nagnur, P., ISSR Screening of In vitro Generated Mutants for Fusarium Wilt Resistance in Regionally Grown Banana Cultivars, Int. J. Pure App. Biosci.7(3): 311-317 (2019). doi:

