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Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Biosciences (IJPAB)
Year : 2019, Volume : 7, Issue : 5
First page : (56) Last page : (63)
Article doi: :

Influence of Occupational Factors on Job Involvement of ECCE Teachers

Ashwini1* and Pujar L.2
1M. H. Sc student, 2Professor and Head,
Department of Human Development and Family Studies
College of Community Science, UAS, Dharwad- 580 005, Karnataka
*Corresponding Author E-mail:
Received: 24.08.2019  |  Revised: 30.09.2019   |  Accepted: 7.10.2019  


The study investigated the influence of occupational factors on job involvement of Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) teachers in urban area of Dharwad. A sample of 120 ECCE teachers from government and private schools were randomly selected. Differential research design was used to know the difference between job involvement and selected occupational characteristics of teachers.  Job involvement scale by Reeve and Smith (2001) was used to assess the job involvement and job stress was measured by job stress scale by Cousin (2004) and general information schedule was used to gather basic information and occupational characteristics of respondents. The results of the study revealed that majority (65.00 %) of Anganawadi teachers had moderate level of job involvement, while 66.70 per cent of private teachers were most of the time involved in their job. A significant association and difference was found between job involvement and selected occupational factors. Anganawadi teachers with work experience of more than 26 years were most of the time involved in job than teachers with service of 16-26 years. Majority of both government and private teachers who attended trainings had better job involvement than those who had not attended any training. The teachers who had high level of job stress were moderately involved in their job. These findings suggested that the intervention, guidance and counseling to reduce their job stress and for improvement of their job involvement. 

Keywords: Job involvement, Length of service, Training attended and Job stress. 

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Cite this article: Ashwini & Pujar, L. (2019). Influence of Occupational Factors on Job Involvement of ECCE Teachers, Ind. J. Pure App. Biosci.7(5), 56-63. doi:

