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Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Biosciences (IJPAB)
Year : 2019, Volume : 7, Issue : 5
First page : (504) Last page : (510)
Article doi: :

A Review on Techniques for Crop Regulation in Guava

Mahaveer Suman* and Prerak Bhatnagar
Department of Fruit Science, College of Horticulture and Forestry, Jhalrapatan Campus, Jhalawar,
Agriculture University, Kota, Rajasthan
*Corresponding Author E-mail:
Received: 19.09.2019  |  Revised: 15.10.2019   |  Accepted: 23.10.2019  


Guava is one of the most promising fruit crops of India and belongs to Myrtaceae family and is considered to be exquisite nutritionally valuable and remunerative crop. In recent years, the plantation of guava is getting popularity in the international trade due to its available nutritional value and processed products. The fruits produced in rainy season are rather insipid and watery and has poor shelf life with little consumer acceptance. The winter crop is the one ordinarily which is preferred by large masses due to larger size with much better fruit quality, edible mass and better Organoleptic value. Crop regulation is achieved by adoption and suitability of various techniques like withholding irrigation, flower bud thinning, shoot pruning and application of different chemicals. To regulate the guava crop for obtaining quality fruit produce, it is essential to reduce the fruit set during the rainy season which subsequently increases the quality fruit production during winter season. A good harvest is possible only if crop is regulated to single season bahar  with better source-sink ratio otherwise the uninterrupted continuous blossoms would produce light crops over the whole year and require a high production cost involving watch and ward as well as poor marketing for inferior quality fruits, thereby increasing huge economic losses to the fruit growers.

Keywords: Bahar treatment, Bioregulators, Flowering, Fruit quality

Full Text : PDF; Journal doi :

Cite this article: Suman, M. & Bhatnagar, P. (2019). A Review on Techniques for Crop Regulation in Guava, Ind. J. Pure App. Biosci. 7(5), 504-510. doi:

