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Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Biosciences (IJPAB)
Year : 2020, Volume : 8, Issue : 1
First page : (303) Last page : (307)
Article doi: :

Economics of Paddy Cultivation in Dobhi Block of Jaunpur District (U.P.)

Renu Singh*
Assistant Professor, Deptt. of Agricultural Economics, KNIPSS, Sultanpur (U.P.)
*Corresponding Author E-mail:
Received: 17.12.2019  |  Revised: 22.01.2020   |  Accepted: 30.01.2020 


Seeing the Cultivation need in agriculture and importance of the study, the investigation on “ECONOMICS OF PADDY CULTIVATION IN DOBHI BLOCK OF JAUNPUR DISTRICT” was conducted.
The present covered five Villages. The list of village in the block was obtained from the Block Development Officer (B.D.O.) then the Villages were arranged in an ascending order of area under paddy cultivation and five villages were selected randomly for the study. 

Keywords: Paddy, Revolution, Agriculture, Wheat, Protein

Full Text : PDF; Journal doi :

Cite this article: Singh, S. (2020). Economics of Paddy Cultivation in Dobhi Block of Jaunpur District (U.P.), Ind. J. Pure App. Biosci. 8(1), 303-307. doi:


Since Independence India has alone remarkably well on rice production front, particularly during the post green revolution in 1960.
In India rice is the most important cereal crop and extents lively ancient food crop and it has been cultivated since 60% of the world population. at present about 90% of all rice consuming population, Asian population consumes more than half of the table world population and it is the principle food crops.
The agriculture sector contribute nearly one fourth of the National G.D.P. sustains livelihood of about two third of population and is back bone of agro based industry. In food sector alone agriculture contribute about 250 thousand crore rupees annually. Amory the agriculture products rice fetches a good remunerative income to the former. The production of rice suffered substantially and the production was put at 66.5 million tones while the target was fixed about 78.64 million tones. This is lowest in the last 10 years and it is lower than the 1999.93 figure of 79.86 million tones.
The Rabi rice production was also not better. It was 9.21 million tones against the target of 14.36 million tones.
According to agricultural experts, the total rice production in the year 2002 – 2003 was 75.72 million tones which is slightly higher than that of 1992-93 (72.86 million tones).  

During the last fifty years, while the half times from 30 million hect. to about 45 million hect. The rice production has increased more than four time and the productivity has increased three times from 700 k.g. per hect. to 2000 k.g. per hect.

India is the 2nd largest growing country (after China) in the world covering about 44 to 60 million hect. of land. In India/ha. Yield of paddy is 1592 k.g.. Although in Japan 5838k.g. in China 3274 k.g. and in Pakistan 2094 k.g. and in whole world the average yield of rice is 2250k.g. hectares.
 Given the large production reservoir still remaining under- exploited, rice however hold the sky to sustained food sufficiency with potential to add sizably to global rice trade. India’s joining the world trade organization, (WTO) at this juncture and obligations there of to employee with various trade-related (TRIPS) requirement under the treaty, have led to a  series of debates and dialogue in the country apprehending that the impact of them would be detrimental to the growth and sustainability of agriculture in general and rice in particular.
            Rice is the one of the major cereal crops in the country which in around 45% of India’s cereal production. Rice continued to held the key to sustained food sufficiency in the country impact the paddy is a most profitable crop in low land area. Rice is to be produced not only for self sufficiency but also for export purpose the exportable surplus of food quality rice is to produce at the compact life price.
            Rice export from India has steadily increased during the last decades reaching 4.1 million tones in 2002. In export position India’s occupies second after Thailand in rice trading countries of the world. Due to the severe and unprecedented drought conditions during the year 2002-2003 the total annual rice production is estimated to about 17 million less than the record rice production of 93 million tones. During 2001-2002 it is estimated that the rice demand in 2000 was 100 million tones. rice is the primarily high energy calorie food. It contains less protein than wheat. The protein content of milled rice is usually 6.7%. Rice however compare with other cereals contains more amino acid. The fat content of rice is low i.e. 2.0-2.5% and much of the fat is lost during milling. Rice contains a low percentage of calcium. Rice contains as many vitamins as wheat and the byproduct of rice milling is used for variety of purposes. Rice bran is used as litter in poultry keeping and rice straw can be used as cattle feed as well as litter during winter. In India rice is grown in almost all the states like Kerala, Bihar, U.P., M.P., West Bengal, Odisha, while West Bengal and Tamil Nadu have the highest rice production.     
Rice farming needs to be made remunerative for the former and at the same time the produce should remain competitive in global market price. The cultivators could gate high yield by using high yielding varieties and adopting improved agricultural.
Rice is the primarily a high energy or high caloric food. It contains less protein wheat. The protein content of milled rice is usually 6 to 7% rice however compares favorably with other cereals in amino acid contents. of rice is low (2.0 to 2.5%) and much of the fat is last during milling. Rice contents a low percent of calcium rice grains contain as much as much ‘B’ group vitamins as wheat.
Milled rice loses valuable proteins, vitamins and minerals in the milling process during which the embryo and the aleuronic layer and removed. Much of the loss of nutrients can be avoided through parboiling process. The byproduct rice milling or used for variety of purpose rice brawn is used as a cattle and poultry feed.                                                     Rice halls can be used is manufacture of insulation materials. Cement cardboard and are also used as litter in poultry keeping Rice brawn is used as a cattle feed as well as litter during winter.
            Rice Cultivation probably dates back to the antiquity and has probably been the staples feed and the first cultivated crop in the Asia. In India rice as been cultivated since ancient time. Rice in the world leading food crops. In terms of area and production it is second to wheat. India has largest area (449.72) lakh hectares. In respect of production India rank second with 894.75 lakh tones.



Research methodology adopted in the selection of block, villages and sample cultivators for the present study. It has been presented as below.
Sample design and selection of sample:
Jaunpur District of Eastern Uttar Pradesh is an important paddy growing district; it was purposively selected for the present study.
Selection of block:
Dobhi block occupies a prestigious place in paddy production in jaunpur district; but it has not good marketing facilities for the paddy.  Thus the block was purposively selected for the study, from the block using two stage random samling procedures was adopted in study.
Selection of villages:-
The list of villages of the block was often from the block development officer. Than the villages was arranged in an ascending order of area under paddy cultivation an five villages were selected randomly for the study. The selected villages ware as follows- Kusumhi, Jarasi, Murkha, Amiliya and Panihar.
Selection of cultivators:-
The selection of cultivators in final stage of sampling. The list of the entire paddy grower obtained from the selected villages. Than the cultivators ware classified in the three sub groups i.e. O-1, 1-2 and 2 and above hectares. In this way a random sample of 50 cultivators were selected for present study the numbers of cultivators in each size groups were taken on the basis of proportion of cultivators falling in each sizes groups.


The Sample Farms :-
The farm is the most important unit of present study. The farm is the most important unit of present study. The farm of generally defined as a socio-economic unit which provides life and living to the farmers.
The farms practice which is prevailing in the track depends largely up on the local condition type of soil irrigation facilities and technical knowledge of the farm families as matter of track resources land, labour, capital and management control of farm business.
Structure of Farm Families:-

The Discussion about the structure of farm refer to composition of sample families according to sex, size of farms, cropping pattern, intensity of cropping, size of family no. of   family worker, size of holding and irrigated area of the farm. The structure of the sample farms has been studies in this chapter.

Table 5.1: The composition of sample families according to sex in different sizes of farm:-


Size group In (Hec)

No. of Farmers

Family member






Marginal (0-1)


102 (70.83)

51 (58.62)




Small (1-2)


28 (19.44)

24 (27.58)




Medium & Large (2 & above)


14 (9.72)

12 (13.79)





144 (62.33)

87 (37.66)



  (Figures in parenthesis indicate the % to total number in each size group)

The above table shows that the total sample population was constituted of 62.34% male and 37.66% female. The tables also indicate that the male population was higher against to female.
Cropping pattern

The cropping pattern is one of the important factor which determiners the investment of different input crops grown by the formers on different size groups is based on availability of input and labour. The area by different size groups has been given in table 5.6

Table 5.6: Cropping pattern in different size of forms



Size of Groups hectare







15.75 (29.03)

10.50 (33.98)

12.25 (28.09)

12.83 (29.54)



2.25 (4.16)

1.15 (3.72)

1.35 (3.09)

1.58 (3.63)



8.25 (1520)

4.75 (15.37)

5.50 (12.61)

6.17 (14.21)



3.50 (6.45)

1.75 (5.66)

2.00 (4.58)

2.42 (5.57)



11.50 (21.19)

8.25 (26.69)

10.50 (24.08)

10.08 (23.21)



2.15 (3.96)

075 (2.02)

1.50 (3.44)

1.47 (3.38)



2.75 (5.06)

0.50 (1.61)

1.25 (2.86)

1.50 (3.45)



4.85 (8.94)

2.25 (7.28)

5.50  (12.61)

4.20 (9.67)



1.25 (2.30)


1.00 (2.29)

0.75 (1.72)



1.25 (2.30)

2.02 (0.75)

1.50 (3.44)

1.67 (3.84)



0.75 (1.38)

1.61 (0.25)

1.25 (2.86)

0.75 (1.72)

Total Cropped area

54.25  100.00

30.90 100.00

43.60 100.00

43.42 100.00

Figure in parenthesis is denote percentage of their respective value)

The above table indicates that paddy occupied first position in the cropping pattern on all size groups of farm the percentage share of area under paddy cultivation of the total cropped area of different size groups worked out to 33.98 percent on small, 29.03 percent on marginal and 28.09 percent on large size groups. The second main crops were wheat in all size groups of farms.

Table 5.9:



Marginal (0-1)

Small (1-2)

Medium & large (2&above)



Human Labour






Hired Human Labour

1980.00 (11.36)

3650.00 (19.32)

3225.00 (17.79)

2951.67 (16.26)


Family Human Labour

2890.00 (16.59)

1460.00 (7.73)

1590.00 (8.77)

1980 (10.91)


Tractor/Bullock Bullock Paw 

2995.00 (17.19)

3190 (16.89)

3025.00 (16.68)

3070.00 (16.92)



810.00 (4.64)

845.00 (4.47)

830 (4.57)

828.33 (4.56)



1350.00 (7.74)

1325.00 (7.01)

1260 (6.95)

1311.67 (7.2)



3100.00 (17.79)

3525.00 (18.66)

3475 (19.17)

3366.67 (18.55)


Plant Protection

425.00 (2.43)

660.00 (3.49)

575 (3.17)

553.37 (3.04)



860.00 (4.93)

960 (5.08)

890 (4.91)

903.33 (4.97)


Interest on working capital

810.00 (4.64)

870.00 (4.60)

855 (4.71)

845.00 (4.65)


Rented value of owned land

2200 (12.62)

2400.00 (12.70)

2400.00 (13.24)

2233.33 (12.86)



17420.00 (100.00)

18885.00 (1000.00)

18125.00 (100.00)

18143.33 (100.00)



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