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Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Biosciences (IJPAB)
Year : 2020, Volume : 8, Issue : 3
First page : (354) Last page : (366)
Article doi: :

Metabolomics and Its Applications in Human and Animal Nutrition Research: A Review

Biju Chacko*
Assistant Professor and Head (I/c), Department of Animal Nutrition, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Pookode, P.O. Lakkidi, PIN- 673576. Wayanad District. Kerala State
*Corresponding Author E-mail:
Received: 2.04.2020  |  Revised: 4.05.2020   |  Accepted: 12.05.2020 


‘Metabolomics’ is an evolving field of ‘omics’ research that strives to focus upon highly specific and highly sensitive characterization of metabolites which are very small in size, ie., small molecules in various biological materials. As on today, ‘metabolomics’ has assumed great significance and is ideally poised to be applied in several avenues of human and animal nutrition research. This paper focuses on the recent developments and potential uses of ‘metabolomics’ in four areas of food science and technology: viz., food component analysis; food quality/ authenticity assessment; monitoring of food intake, changes in various physiological parameters, food interventions and diet challenge studies.
            This paper reviews the various aspects of metabolomics such as history; workflow of a nutritional metabolomics study, with special mention of its constituent components; hypothesis and experimental designing of metabolic profiling and list of biologically relevant samples to be collected for profiling. The commonly employed platforms used for analytical purpose in metabolomic studies, analytical techniques used to integrate the data in a suitable way; data analysis and steps involved, viz., metabolic profiling and metabolic fingerprinting are discussed in detail. The subsequent step of identification, characterization and interpretation of the selected metabolites are thoroughly detailed. The routes or methods adopted in metabolomics are discussed threadbare. The practical applications of ‘metabolomics’ in human, veterinary and basic sciences are listed out. Interesting work done in nutritional research such as, the use of a metabolomics approach to uncover the effects of grain diets on rumen health in dairy cows are detailed. Integration of metabolomics with corresponding profiling technologies, viz., ‘transcriptomics’ and ‘proteomics’ are also dealt with in detail. A SWOT analysis, listing out the problems, solutions and possibilities of ‘metabolomics’ as a future analytical tool in human and animal nutrition research and carrying out the same within an ethical framework, are also enlisted.   

Keywords: Metabolomics, Workflow, Experimental designing, Data integration, Data analysis, Research work done, Integration with other ‘omics’ technologies, SWOT analysis, Ethics

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Cite this article: Biju Chacko (2020). Metabolomics and Its Applications in Human and Animal Nutrition Research: A Review, Ind. J. Pure App. Biosci. 8(3), 354-366. doi:

