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Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Biosciences (IJPAB)
Year : 2020, Volume : 8, Issue : 3
First page : (619) Last page : (626)
Article doi: :

Effect of Plant Growth Regulator on Growth, Yield and Quality of Apple (Malus x domestica Borkh.) cv. Royal Delicious

Ahmad Waris Jailani1*, Kulveer Singh Yadav1, Miraj Qeyami1 and Muhammad Naser Taheri2
1Department of Horticulture, School of Agriculture Science and Technology
RIMT University, Mandi, Gobindgrah-147301, Punjab, India
2Department of Horticulture, Agriculture faculty, Albironi University, Kapisa province, Afghanistan
*Corresponding Author E-mail:
Received: 10.05.2020  |  Revised: 14.06.2020   |  Accepted: 22.06.2020 


The present study was conducted at a full bearing orchard of apple at Wathoo, Shopian near KVK Balpora, Jammu and Kashmir, India. This investigation was done to study the effect of plant growth regulator on growth, yield and quality of apple cv. Royal Delicious during the year 2019. The results reviled that maximum shoot growth (29.75 cm), leaf chlorophyll content (49.60 SPAD), fruit length (78.01 mm), fruit diameter (76.32 mm), fruit volume (242.67 cm3), fruit weight (213.46 g), Fruit yield (203.10 Kg/tree) and fruit specific gravity (0.93) were observed in T5 (Kromolin 1.0 ml/L with wetcit). However, the maximum fruit firmness (5.86 kg/cm2) recorded in T2 (Kromolin 0.5ml/L without wetcit). While, there was no significant effect of the fruit colour through application of Kromolin, but numerically the maximum fruit colour (4%) was recorded under T2 (Kromolin  0.5ml/L  without wetcit). Similarly, there was no significant effect in the chemical parameters vis (TSS, TSS/acid ratio, total sugar, reducing sugar) with different concentration of kromolin but numerically the highest T.S.S. (13.53 oBrix), TSS/ Acid ratio (56.36), total sugar (9.21 mg/100g), reducing sugar (6.39 mg/100g and lowest acidity (0.24 %) registered in T5 (Kromolin 1.0 ml/L with wetcit). However, a significant effect in fruit ascorbic acid (3mg/100g) has been recorded in T5 (Kromolin 1.0 ml/L with wetcit) as compared to control. 

Keywords: PGR, Kromolin, Royal Delicious apple, Gibberellin, Cytokines, Leaf chlorophyll 

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Cite this article: Jailani, A.W., Yadav, K.S., Qeyami, M., & Taheri, M.N. (2020). Effect of Plant Growth Regulator on Growth, Yield and Quality of Apple (Malus x domestica Borkh.) cv. Royal Delicious, Ind. J. Pure App. Biosci. 8(3), 619-626. doi:

