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Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Biosciences (IJPAB)
Year : 2020, Volume : 8, Issue : 4
First page : (550) Last page : (562)
Article doi: :

Sericulture as a Profit-Based Industry-A Review

Kritika Sharma* and Bhumika Kapoor
*PG Scholar, Division of Sericulture, SKUAST-Jammu,
PG Scholar, Division of Entomology,
SKUAST-JAMMU, Main Campus Chatha, Jammu and Kashmir, India 180009
*Corresponding Author E-mail:
Received: 16.07.2020  |  Revised: 21.08.2020   |  Accepted: 26.08.2020 


Sericulture is one of the most labour intensive sectors, combining activities of both agriculture (sericulture) and industry. Sericulture being an agro-based enterprise plays a predominant role in shaping the economic destiny of the rural people. It holds promise as an employment generating industry, especially in rural and semi-urban areas. Sericulture is agro-based industry, practiced in India for many centuries. The labour intensive industry remains one of the major strengths of India fascinating with its most exquisite workmanship and beauty which no other country has ever been able to replicate. Silk has always been fashionable and for the last few years, it has remained a strong component of the international fashion trends. Sericulture is multidisplinary activity consists of mulberry leaf production, silkworm rearing (cocoon production), silkworm egg production, silk reeling (yarn production), twisting, Warp and weft making, printing and dyeing, weaving, finishing, garment designing, marketing etc. In India, Sericulture is not only a tradition but also a living culture. Moreover, women participate in the activities of sericulture, thus provide ample scopes for their development through awareness, capacity building through imparting training demonstration of technologies, processes, techniques etc. and guiding for empowerment so that the society will be socioeconomically uplifted and the country as well. It is a farm based, labour intensive and commercially attractive economic activity falling under the cottage and small-scale sector. It particularly suits rural-based farmers, entrepreneurs and artisans, as it requires small investment, but with potential for relatively higher returns. It provides income and employment to the rural people especially farmers with small landholdings and the marginalized and weaker sections of the society.

Keywords: Agro-based enterprise, Labour intensive, Employment, Women participation, Silkworm rearing.

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Cite this article: Sharma, K., & Kapoor, B. (2020). Sericulture as a Profit-Based Industry-A Review, Ind. J. Pure App. Biosci. 8(4), 550-562. doi:

