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Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Biosciences (IJPAB)
Year : 2020, Volume : 8, Issue : 4
First page : (727) Last page : (739)
Article doi: :

Green Vegetables and Physical Exercise: Importance during (COVID-19) Pandemic to Boost Immunity


S Rehan Ahmad*
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Zoology, H M M College for Women, Kolkata, W. B., India
*Corresponding Author E-mail:
Received: 2.07.2020 | Revised: 4.08.2020 | Accepted: 11.08.2020 


Background: The sole aim of this review is to check the use of food that is based on the plants for the people of different kinds of age groups and how this plant based food aids in the fight against the COVID-19. In the human body, SARS or the sever acute respiratory syndrome is caused along with the common cold and cough by the novel corona virus which are present and found in the viruses spectrum. One of the major crises towards the health of the public across the globe is the emergence if disease that are infectious as much as the SARS. Foods that are mostly plant based are seen to be improving those bacteria in the human intestine that are generally favorable and make up as high as 85% of the immune system of the human body. With the use of water in high quantity, one is able to gain minerals such as vitamins C; D and E along with magnesium and zinc can aid in improving the life style of humans and even build up improving health system that might aid in reducing infection risks. Conclusion: To conclude it might be said, that the foods that are made from plant based have a major role to play in order to improve the immunity of the people for the prevention and of the control in the COVID-19.

Keywords: Coronavirus disease, Immunity booster foods, Vitamins rich foods and Physical exercise.

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Cite this article: Rehan Ahmad, S. (2020). Green Vegetables and Physical Exercise: Importance during (COVID-19) Pandemic to Boost Immunity, Ind. J. Pure App. Biosci. 8(4), 727-739. doi:

