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Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Biosciences (IJPAB)
Year : 2020, Volume : 8, Issue : 6
First page : (152) Last page : (156)
Article doi: :

Impact of Rural Agricultural Work Experience (RAWE) Programme on Profile of Host Farmers in Haryana

Amit Kumar*, S. K. Mehta and A. K. Godara
Department of Extension Education
CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar
*Corresponding Author E-mail:
Received: 15.10.2020 | Revised: 24.11.2020 | Accepted: 2.12.2020 


The study has focused on impact of Rural Agricultural Woke Experience Programme on host farmers. It was found that majority of (63.3%) were belonged to medium age category (46-55 years) followed by (22.5%) were belonged to young category (up to 45 years) remaining (14.01%) belonged to category (above 56 years). It was revealed that maximum (39.01%) respondents were having primary level of education, high school (18.3%), can read only (08.03%). It was revealed in the study more than (49.01%) respondents were belonged to other backward class (OBC) general (30.00%) and scheduled were found (20.09%), respectively. Study examined that regarding land holding where majority of (53.3%) were having sami-medium type of land holding (2 to 4 hec.) followed by (15.09%)  were having marginal type of land holding ( below 1 hec.). It was found that more than (44.2%) respondents had membership in more than one organization, membership in one organization (20.0%). The result revealed that (65.00%) were belonged to the income level of (Rs.45, 000-60,000) followed by (19.00%) were belonged to the income level of (Rs. 45,000-60,000). It was found that majority of (96.7 %) respondents had contact with progressive farmers, Friends (86.6%) A.D.O (52.5%) and (65.0%) Govt. input dealers/Semi Govt. It was found that majority (88.3%) of the respondents were exposed to internet followed by (76.7%) were exposed to mobile/phone.

Keywords:  Agriculture, Farmers’ RAWEP, Socio-economic status and Psychological.

Full Text : PDF; Journal doi :

Cite this article: Kumar, A., Mehta, S. K., & Godara, A. K. (2020). Impact of Rural Agricultural Work Experience (RAWE) Programme on Profile of Host Farmers in Haryana, Ind. J. Pure App. Biosci. 8(6), 152-156. doi:

