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Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Biosciences (IJPAB)
Year : 2020, Volume : 8, Issue : 6
First page : (248) Last page : (253)
Article doi: :

Breeding for Resistance against Leaf Folder in Rice

Lipsa Dash1, V. Ramalakshmi2* , Deepayan Padhy3 and Barsha Tripathy4
MSSSoA, Centurion University of Technology and Management, Paralakhemundi, Odisha
*Corresponding Author E-mail:
Received: 5.11.2020 | Revised: 3.12.2020 | Accepted: 9.12.2020 


Breeding for insect resistant varieties has been central to the integrated pest management as it offers an ecologically viable approach against biotic constraints. Considerable progress has been made in the past to incorporate resistance to insect pests of rice using conventional breeding approaches. However the diversity in insect pest population, continuous selection of virulent biotypes, lack of resistance sources in cultivated rice (Oryza sativa and O. glaberrima) gene pool, want of efficient insect rearing and varietal screening protocols and inherently complex genetics of resistance further necessitates supplementation of conventional breeding techniques with advanced molecular approaches. Among different types of insects attacking rice, leaf feeding insect have major importance because of their ability to defoliate or to remove the chlorophyll content of the leaves leading to considerable reduction in yield. Hence, this review briefly discusses the current progress and future prospects in different breeding approaches for enhanced varietal tolerance to insect pests of rice.

Keywords: Breeding, Leaf folder, Rice, Pest, Screening.

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Cite this article: Dash, L., Ramalakshmi, V., Padhy, D., & Tripathy, B. (2020). Breeding for Resistance against Leaf Folder In Rice, Ind. J. Pure App. Biosci. 8(6), 248-253. doi:

