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Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Biosciences (IJPAB)
Year : 2021, Volume : 9, Issue : 1
First page : (359) Last page : (366)
Article doi: :

Study of Effect of Non – Genetic Factors on Reproduction Traits in Holstein Friesian Crossbreed Cows

Kaustubh Bhave, Tejashree Shirsath-Kalbhor* , Vinod Potdar* , Sachin Joshi, Yuvraj Guandare and Marimutthu S.
Central Research Station, BAIF Development Research Foundation, Urulikanchan, Pune, Maharashtra, India
*Corresponding Author E-mail:
Received: 22.12.2020 | Revised: 27.01.2021 | Accepted: 2.02.2021 


Any genetic improvement in dairy cattle requires information on reproductive performance in the given population. This study was carried out to evaluate the effect of non-genetic factors on reproductive performance traits of Holstein Friesian dairy cattle maintained under different states of Indian environment. The data used in this study included records of cows that calved between 2011 and 2016. The data on reproduction traits, Age at First Calving (AFC), Service Period (SP), Calving Interval (CP), Service per Conception (SPC). Pertained to 4432 for Age at first calving, 24809 for Service Period, 11084 for Inter Calving Period and 44759 for Service per conception (SPC) Holstein Friesian cattle. The overall least squares mean of Age at first calving(AFC), Service Period (SP), Calving Interval (CI), Service per conception (SPC) were 1211.85 ± 2.53, 136.52 ± 0.62,412.83 ± 0.98, 2.02 ± 0.01 respectively. The service period (SP) were shows significantly influenced by Agro climatic zone, calving year and calving season. The Monsoon season shows high service period than other season. The Calving intervals (CI) were significant effect on Agro climatic zone, calving year and Calving season. The significantly influenced by Agro climatic zone, calving year and Calving season. The summer season shows high than other seasons.

Keywords: HFX, Non – genetic Factors, Reproduction Traits.

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Cite this article: Bhave, K., Shirsath-Kalbhor, T., Potdar, V., Joshi, S., Guandare, Y., & Marimutthu, S. (2021). Study of Effect of Non – Genetic Factors on Reproduction Traits in Holstein Friesian Crossbreed Cows, Ind. J. Pure App. Biosci. 9(1), 359-366. doi:

