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Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Biosciences (IJPAB)
Year : 2021, Volume : 9, Issue : 3
First page : (87) Last page : (90)
Article doi: :

Effect of Fiber Rich Product on Childhood Obesity and Lipid Profile Aged 10-12 Years

A. Jyothi1 and V. Lakshmi Prasanna2*
1Teaching Associate Department of FDNT College of Home Science, ANGRAU, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh
2Prof and Head department of Homescience Sri padmavathi Mahila Viswa Vidyalayam, Tirupati, A.P.
*Corresponding Author E-mail:
Received: 8.02.2021 | Revised: 16.03.2021 | Accepted: 24.03.2021 


The effect of fiber rich product on child hood obesity studied with 60 sample which were collected randomly among 10-12 years and categorized into 2 groups i.e, experimental group and control group. Experimental group further categorized into three groups i.e, supplementation with exercise (n=15), only supplementation group (n=15), only exercise group (n=15) and control group consists of (n=15).Anthropometric, and diet survey conducted as parameters. A fiber rich product was prepared and supplemented for 2 months to the selected subjects and it consists of whole Bengal gram, whole green gram, green peas, barley and jaggery. Positive results were obtained in three experimental groups. Significant decrease observed inweight, and BMI, Total cholesterol, Triglycerides, LDL, VLDL significant increase observed in HDL in group I II and III. The results were (51.60-48.26kg, 24.7-23.1, 195.2-152.3 mg/dl, 168.2-145.0 mg/dl, 52.2-54.13 mg/dl, 109.4- 69.4mg/dl, 33.6-28.7mg/dl) in group I, In group II the results are (50.3-49.86kg, 23.7-23.4, 168.6-161.0mg/dl, 145.4-129.6mg/dl, 44.2-45.2 mg/dl, 95.3-90.0mg/dl, 29.1-28.3mg/dl).In group III the tesults aere (50.7-49.6kg, 24.5-23.9, 143.2-139.3mg/dl, 139-134.5mg/dl, 38.2-38.7mg/dl 76.8-74.1 mg/dl, 25.6-28.1mg/dl) .From the results it was clear that when compared to group II and III group I has shown better results.

Key words: Anthropometric measurements, Biochemical profile, Weight, BMI.

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Cite this article: Jyothi, A., & Lakshmi, V.P. (2021). Effect of Fiber Rich Product on Childhood Obesity and Lipid Profile Aged 10-12 Years, Ind. J. Pure App. Biosci. 9(3), 87-90. doi:

