Rajasthan-324009 India
+91 9784677044
Dr. Mahesh Kumar Mahatma is currently working as Senior Scientist (Plant Biochemistry) at ICAR-Directorate of Groundnut Research, Junagadh, Gujarat, India Since July 2012. He obtained his Ph.D, in Biochemistry (Plant Sciences) from Anand Agricultural University, Anand with award of ICAR, SRF and Masters from Rajasthan Agricultural University, Bikaner, India. He served as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Biotechnology, Navsari Agricultural University, Navsari, Gujarat, India from 2007 to June 2012. He also received an International training (Sponsered by NAIP, ICAR, New Delhi) for 3 months at Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, Illinois University, Arbana-Champaign, USA during March-June, 2010. He awarded by R.D. Asana Gold medal award-2015 from prestigious Indian Society of Plant Physiology, New Delhi for his outstanding contributions in the field of plant physiology and cognate sciences. He also Awarded by Fellow of Indian Society of Agricultural Biochemist (FISAB) in 2016. He has been guided 1 Ph.D. student in Plant Biotechnology and 1 Ph.D. student in Biochemistry and 6 Masters student in Plant Molecular Biology and Biotechnology. For advancement of research he has attended 3 national level training. He worked as PI, Co-PI and member of 5 externally funded projects and 6 Institute projects. He has been participated and delivered lectures in many National and International conferences. As an author and co-author he has published 63 research papers in peer reviewed international and national journals, 7 book chapters, and 20 articles in magazine with 11 h-index. He is the Member of numerous renowned Journals and also serving as reviewer of more than 10 Elsevier and Springer Journals. Dr. Mahatma bagged awards for outstanding contribution in reviewing for Industrial Crops and Products (2017), Food Chemistry (2017) and Heliyon (2017). His research interests are understanding of molecular and biochemical basis of disease resistance in plants, evaluation of nutritional and bioactive compounds of groundnut and value addition of groundnut products.